In the second session of our recent ideation, there was a bent toward self-discovery and learning to self-feed. Our purpose was not to create the final answers.
NOTE: As you have noticed, this series of posts from our ideation focused on Ephesians 4:12-15. The role of these five gifts is to equip and nurture the body in order for each individual to fulfill all the Father has for them personally.
It is my premise that each of us has the answers needed, but often, we lack the right questions to bring those answers to the surface. It's my desire that these summaries will spur on conversations that open the door to great questions that lead to answers in your community. It's a new day, and we must step in with fresh revelation from the Father.
The meeting focused on…
The importance of understanding and pursuing the "why" behind actions, referencing Simon Sinek's Golden Circle.
We discussed the need for intimacy with Jesus, emphasizing that the goal should be to pursue Jesus directly rather than just His presence or glory. He is the centerpiece of His presence, glory, and all things.
We highlighted the necessity of simplifying strategies and not focusing on duplicable and reproducible methods.
The conversation also touched on the role of leaders in facilitating relationships with Jesus rather than being barriers.
The group stressed the importance of self-discovery and personal ownership in faith, aiming to help individuals connect directly with God.
Action Items
[ ] Explore how to facilitate people's direct encounters with Jesus, rather than being the ones teaching or leading.
[ ] Discuss how to have leaders who serve in a way that makes way for people's relationship with the Lord.
[ ] Consider how to create a ministry model that is more focused on self-discovery and personal ownership rather than dependency on leaders.
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Thank you for this! I am in the process of shifting from telling people what Lord is showing me to listening to them share what He is telling them. It is a delight to let go of trying to figure out what people might need. They usually need caring, curious questions to spark what Lord has already planted in them.
I have some scriptures that are key for reassuring me that the Godhead, especially the Holy Spirit, is curating my growth. My shift is resting on the certainty that They are also doing it for those I am around. I get to gratefully and joyfully pay attention and respond.
Phil 2:13 says God is at work in us to will (desire) and work His good pleasure.
John 16:13-15 says Holy Spirit will guide us into all the truth and tell us Jesus' stuff.
In John 14:16, 26, 15:26, and 16:7, the root of the word translated comforter, helper, or counselor is "call near." I'm leaning on it meaning He is calling us near to God, especially since John 14:26 says He will teach us all things and remind us of what Jesus said.
That root word "call near" is translated "comfort" in 2 Cor. 1:3-7.
I like the idea of being an inspirational leader. I am in search of a framework and tools that fits me well in that. Is there a focus or posture of discovery in the presence of Jesus. As a mystic I often get overly sensitized to the heavenly reality of being face to face to do much more than just enjoy being in His presence. How do I do that kind personal pursuit without getting caught away for overly extended periods of time? My wife and daughter need a human presence too.