It was 1999! And the world was about to end as we knew it
At least that’s what all the techy’s were telling us.
Crystal, Kate, a band of brothers and I were traveling around Turkey along the ancient roads. I had the fortune of leading this wonderful motley crew.
We were there for a concert series sponsored by the department of tourism through the Biblical cities where the apostle Paul had traveled.
Turkey is a land with incredible heritage in Christianity. It gives one a sense of belonging to something from a time long past unrelated to our western world.
I was often confronted during the tour by secret police with the intent to trap me into speaking against Mohammed. This then provided them the opportunity to extend our exit from the country.
This particular day it had been long and busy with multiple concerts and questions. As usual it was late and we were finished on the site ready to leave. Instruments packed – the guys were tired and ready for sleep.