And if you believe that, have we got a bridge for you.
There is one more question I asked my friends to respond to on imagination. Here's the question followed by Roger's response. How would you encourage someone to begin activating (divine) imagination?
God has created each of us as unique individuals. We each have been given a different ‘measure of grace’, as well as gifts of differing expressions and at varying levels (see Romans 12:3-8).
What is common to all of His children, however, is the Love He has for each of them and their acceptance and standing in His sight. He gives liberally – and generously – to His kids…if they ask.
Jesus longs to draw you (yes, you) close to Him and to reveal Himself and His Kingdom to you. You were created so that He could love you forever, and you Him. You already have access. You are a citizen of Heaven walking a brief sojourn here on earth until you go to your eternal home in heaven. You have a ‘dual citizenship’. You are ‘seated with Him (Jesus) in heavenly places’ (see Eph. 2:6).
Therefore, there is no set ‘formula’ that you need to follow - no ‘keys’ to discover. While in the grocery checkout line, you will not spot a magazine cover with a headline shouting: “NOW! REVEALED! FIVE STEPS TO HELP YOU ACTIVATE YOUR DIVINE IMAGINATION! – see inside”.
Why not? It is not learned, but it does need to be sought—and most importantly, asked for. That does not mean that we can not help. We can begin by putting ourselves in a position where the Spirit may more easily activate and engage our divine imagination.
Study and meditate on His word. Set aside a place, and a time, to spend time seeking the Spirit and listening. His word says: “…you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jer.29:13).
Remove distractions - pray, worship, and perhaps put on soft worship music. Close your eyes, invite the Spirit’s presence, and then wait. Ask the Holy Spirit to come and activate your spiritual imagination, enable you to ‘see’ with your spiritual eyes, and help you to ‘hear’ with your spiritual ears.
When you do see and hear in that divinely imagined place, be patient; follow the Spirit’s lead.
When and where He leads, above all, don’t analyze or rationalize; simply follow, observe, and listen. [Remember, your divine imagination merely sets the scene; the Spirit provides the revelation – the ‘seeing’. Your role is to receive.].
That’s it, you ask? No big secret involved?
Well, there is one secret (ah, but you expected that, didn’t you?). It is revealed in the Psalms.
“The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant. (Ps. 25:14).◇
I find the rendering of this verse from The Passion Translation particularly applicable to our discussion of divine imagination. It reads:
“There’s a private place reserved for the devoted lovers of YAHWEH, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises.”☆
He has a ‘private place reserved’ - for you. The place where you may ‘sit near him’ and where He will reveal Himself and His Kingdom to you. You simply need to seek – and to ask.
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◇(From the New King James Version, 1996, Broadman & Holman, pub )
☆(Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Copyright 2020)