I am in a significant transition that will require changes in mindsets and activations. One may say, “Byron, you're heading into your seventieth year. Don't you want to retire?”
Connecting People With People and People to Purpose
I don't know about that. I know that change, the older one advances, is caused to challenge these thoughts. That is if we desire to move forward and accept the challenges and changes before us. We have the option, if financially and health-wise, to step back. That's fine. I'm not interested in creating separation by suggesting one way is better. That comes down to the individual. For me, I need the challenge.
There are moments when I wonder how it would be to retire, but then Crystal looks at me in bewilderment as if to say, “The man has lost his mind! He'd last a week.”
True. I didn't get into life to retire. With this in mind, we have been praying to make the change and maneuver through mindsets and life adjustments into something cooler than I've ever attempted.
Over the past year, I've been receiving words of encouragement about being a safe harbor - a place where many boats looking for safe shores can land. That is awesome because it fits my Connecting People With People and People to Purpose tagline. How to do this is an elusive process. Then it hit me: talk with Cathy Atkins. She has insights that will open the door. And she did! Thanks, Cathy.
Over the years, I have been mentored by some wonderfully gifted individuals who helped me grow in my giftings, callings, and relationships. Crystal and I prefer to start with relationship and move outward from there. It may not be the fastest-growing way to do things, but it is the strongest and most refreshing.
In 1990, I hit that relational wall. I have been one who focuses on the outcome more than the relationship, and at that moment, I hit a wall so high, wide, thick, and deep that there was no way to forge my way past it. That moment stopped me cold in my tracks and caused me to pivot into a lifestyle I have struggled to grasp with any depth. I keep growing. I believe that’s all the Father asks. Keep growing.
After thirty-four years of moving towards that mark of relationship, we have decided to build a mentoring program. Starting with those we know. It will be something that, as it expands outward, will allow more people to take part. Not only those who are being mentored but those who are mentoring. A collective of mentors who have a like-hearted desire to see the fulfillment of Ephesians 4: 12-15.
I’m grateful for the prophetic insights of several individuals who brought this to light—Susie Marvin, Jamie Kirby, and always Jesus, who endlessly loves me despite myself.
Be watching for updates on the new website.
Substack provides a place for me to share from my heart and journey with the Father. I've always believed that our gifts make a way. Build His House is a 501.c3 nonprofit organization connecting people with people and people to purpose . If you are able, please consider a subscription. Subscriptions are tax deductible.
Byron,nobody in their right mind ever retires from doing God’s bidding!!!
Wow, transition… yes, life is constant change.
Well, as of next Monday, July 29, I’ve got 3 more years ‘til I reach 70, but I am feeling the transition. Staying active, connected, real and pertinent seem to have become more difficult the past couple years, yet I believe they are important if I am to be a person of presence, relevance and impact for the next 20 years. And, I know relationships are key.
Spirit of God, keep me flexible, active, open and obedient. Help me see beyond and remain vibrant in faith and life. Come Holy Spirit, come.