During December, I took a personal break. “Hold all calls,” was my first agenda. I needed to create space in my week to provide time as I wanted to focus on my relationship with the Father. Then, to gain an understanding of what and how to move forward into 2025 and beyond. Have you ever known the answer to your question but needed to go through the process of discovery before realizing or accepting the answer?
During my December journey, I began each day asking Him questions. Following the questions, I wrote out the response, my takeaways. About a week into my questions and responses, I found I was in a recurring pattern or a daily agenda.
I thought you might like to know how this daily process looked.
Ask good questions. This is much better than asking questions that are lame or unhelpful (see last weeks post).
Contemplate with Dad on these questions. I’ve discovered how much He loves a good question.
Write down my responses…or is it His responses?
Contemplate on the responses. The contemplation portion is a big part of discovery.
Transfer the main points to my Final Quest page. (With this insight, I created a page called Final Quest. This page is where I placed the major points the Father was bringing to the surface.)
Rest, walk, watch a movie, hang out with family and friends…you know, relax, and enjoy life a bit.
Repeat until complete!
We’ve heard the phrase, “It’s about the journey, not the outcome.” That’s ridiculous. Of course it’s about the outcome. We take a journey with the intent of ending up somewhere. Generally, you don’t plan a vacation without knowing where you’re going. Even if you decide to be spontaneous, that in itself is a plan. There is an end result.
My December journey is part of a shift in my life. I’ve been seeing this shift headed my way for several years. Along with this information, it has been a growing desire to step into a new season. A hope that is growing, to extend what relationships and impact I have, but through a new expression.
I know whatever I carry forward from the past season is vital as I move into a new season. If you’ve lived a couple of decades, you will have experienced this. Dad is so good to build on our past, even when it seems as though what we’re about to step into is completely new to us. It’s not.
Maybe you need to take a break, a spiritual pilgrimage, as you too are stepping up into a new season. Possibly, my seven point outline will give you a way to enter that time? But know that He may add or take away from these seven points. God is going to create a unique approach for you because you’re you. This one-stop shop idea that we can apply someone else’s pattern or insight into our life is both boring and lazy. Boring in that it removes the uniqueness from who and how God has created us.
We talk about a snowflake being unique and how amazing this is. Yet, when we talk about ourselves being unique and needing to discover who we are, we often search out and rely on someone else’s formula. Yes, it can be a great way to begin, but by not listening to the Spirit, I believe we remove the joy from the process and the Father’s joy. Plus, it’s lazy. We want an easy answer in times of struggle. We all know this. It’s common knowledge that we seek comfort. Easy is as easy does.
The question becomes, how much do you want from life? Do you want the more or the less? To have the greater measure requires the fuller pursuit. The deeper connect with the Father. In the end, it’s far more delightful when you look back knowing you journeyed the path less followed. This requires a measure of trust in yourself and in God. It also requires a new desire to listen to the Spirit and go where the Spirit leads.
The way forward has shown itself, in my December journey, to be much simpler than I expected. I knew the answer, but I needed the journey to take me to this point. I’ll do my best to write more on this on my next post.
By the way, are you sensing this shift? I’m receiving messages from others that they are experiencing a shift in their life. Several have made the statement, “It’s embracing this shift that seems difficult. It’s the internal struggle to accept the change.” I will say it seems to be a battle of the mind to accept because it feels like a major shift. How about you? Drop me a message and let me know.
In the meantime, have a great day!
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Yes. “The shift” I’ve been noticing this in myself, sensing in my spirit; “It’s time Brad.”
“It’s embracing this shift that seems difficult. It’s the internal struggle to accept the change.” Oof!! So true!