This is amazing! I love this confrontation

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Moments of Spirit led confrontation have all the right elements of hope.

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Oh I love this story! I can picture the physical piano, lilies and crowd of people. So clearly see the spirit realm dynamic in play as well. The mocking, false promises and deceptive playfulness bumping up against peace, light exposing the dark and a kind, restful confidence quietly planting seeds. Perhaps someone else watered or harvested those seeds you planted and she’s worshiping Jesus now!

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Byron, you are crafted by The Master Craftsman ABBA! I rejoice in His Love that empowered you to address this beloved daughter of His simply as He had crafted you to Love her… That’s His Whole Intent For Each One Of Us !! He is the Lily of The Valley!!

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Hollis, thank you for the kind words and encouragement! What an honor.

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You know Bryon, each day of our lives on this earth are maxed out with HIS HONOR that, as you released in England, He’s tenaciously Present to transform the world around us as we honor His Honor🎉🎉. You and family are abundant in His Honor/Glory!!

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Wow, I love that --- abundant in His Honor/Glory! Yes, Lord.

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Awesome! And I've never had the privilege of hearing 'Muddy Waters'.

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Really? Well, it's possible you didn't miss much 🤣😎

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There's still time...

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Ummm...oh, I'm not sure what to say. I think I might scare myself if I tried that. 😅

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