There was a group of us, after having returned from presenting a conference in the Highlands of Scotland, were now taking a couple of days’ rest in the grand city of London. We were staying at the St. James Hotel and from there doing a bit of sightseeing all the while enjoying the downtime together before heading back to the States.
The St. James is a cool place. From the outside, it feels like it's right out of a movie set. Inside, it feels grand, and being grand their in the main entry hall, sits a beautiful grand piano adorned with the largest bouquet of lilies I had ever seen.
At that time, I was known for being a composer, arranger, and worship leader. The group insisted that I play some and if it was okay with the management, to worship a little. I was on a break and didn't feel like ‘singing for my super.’ Off went our leader to talk with the manager, and I sat down and began softly playing an instrumental. Returning with the manager, I was encouraged to continue playing and to worship. That was cool, and why not experience playing and worshiping in the lobby of this wonderful hotel in what felt like the heart of London.
Off we go! Starting with Arms of Love, a signature tune that I often sang, followed by the Heart of Worship when the big double doors to the hotels ballroom flew open and pouring out were the tired faces of hundreds of insurance brokers. They were ready for action, and within seconds, the piano was surrounded by several people deep. We continued singing.
Then, a voice, a young woman's voice in a posh English accent, yelled out, “Sing the blues!” I let it pass. Having been trained not to take the bait, we continued on. She drew nearer closing in on the piano and yelling again, “Sing the blues!” A few of her mates joined in, and soon it became a chant. She wasn't going to let it go. It became her purpose to get her way. It's time to consider my options. Do I let the music fade and walk away? Maybe if I sing one blues tune, she'd be satisfied, and we can go back to our lovely presence moment.
When out of my mouth, words formed that were beyond my wisdom. “I'll sing you a blues tune if you listen to one of my songs.” Ahh…this was deeper than the natural. The Spirit was now orchestrating. She agreed. She didn't just nod her head but very loudly accepted my offer. “You promise,” I requested. It was starting to get a bit tense. I haven't found the English to be loud in public places. Maybe at 2:00 AM coming out of their local, but not in the lobby of this beautiful hotel.
“Yes, I promise,” she pressed her point again, “Come on Sing the blues!”
I quickly called up a standard blues tune and to the shouts, applause, and affirmations of her and her mates. I gave it my all. It has been noted that I look like an accountant, but I sing like Muddy Waters.
As the song ended, the crowd once again gave their approval and began to wander away. But I had a promise. She had to stay. She wasn't happy. But I wasn't going to let this go. I was no longer dealing with the person, I was dealing with the spirit that was attempting to control the situation.
There is a song I had written from Isaiah chapter twelve that those who followed me knew, called Holy One of Israel, and was my heartfelt creation from these verses. I could feel her trying to pull away. She wanted out as I sang the words, ”You are the Holy One, the Holy One of Israel. On my knees, I long to stay.”
I went into the second verse, and she couldn't take it anymore. She was caught in a promise made from a place she didn't understand. She grabbed the lillies from the vase and began pelting me with them. Pedals flying everywhere. Drops of water splattering outward. Her friends are now in a state of shock, having no idea why she would bash me with these beautiful lilies. They were available. In hindsight, I'm glad she didn't grab the vase.
This scenario has happened more than once in my life. Not being pelted with flowers, but the idea of activating a promise made. Make a spirit promise. Bind them to a truth, and there's no way out.
My friends gathered around her and began praying. They were awesome. It goes to show that we all have a part to play. Our agenda was interrupted that day gathered around the piano when heaven came to earth and opened the door to hope.
NOTE: The lilies didn't hurt during the Great Flower Pelting of England.
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This is amazing! I love this confrontation
Oh I love this story! I can picture the physical piano, lilies and crowd of people. So clearly see the spirit realm dynamic in play as well. The mocking, false promises and deceptive playfulness bumping up against peace, light exposing the dark and a kind, restful confidence quietly planting seeds. Perhaps someone else watered or harvested those seeds you planted and she’s worshiping Jesus now!