A Robust Positive Future
In stepping back, I return to what I know and miss the moment to reach my fullness.
Do you fight the very thing you're best at? Then I believe you're spot on. The real fight is not on how to make money or popularity. The ground to take is stepping fully into all you are. The journey to this place is full of potholes, hanging branches, stormy weather, and incredible strength.
When I step in, it provides a new path, new opportunities.
The reality is that I have fought for my purpose for nearly thirty years. I jump in full force only to question and double back, which sets me on a continual path around the mountain. After a few times on the same path, one would think you'd see recurring signs… and I do. That makes it so frustrating, and in that strange way, only the Spirit of God can redeem.
It's the reminder in going around the mountain path again that when I jump in, I get it right. The signs show me the truth, not condemn me for missing it.
Once again, I jump in, knowing the goodness and kindness of God. Off I go. I'm excited and expectant of a robust, positive future.
This is an inner struggle. It doesn't mean I stopped doing what I've done before. It's not that I've given up on what went before. I simply do not believe in the fullness of my purposes when I step back. It's a lack of trust and belief. This brings to light the great frustration. In stepping back, I return to what I know and miss the moment to reach my fullness.
What I've done in the past has been good, on the whole. When I step in, it provides a new path, new opportunities to stretch, and be challenged into new arenas, fresh, unexpected avenues of exploration.
Exploration is invigorating. It keeps me up late praying, processing, and learning. It wakes me early, ready to go after all the Father is unlocking. Do you find this in your life?
Presently, I have ticked the box of a new exploration. I've made my peace, for the moment, and said yes to delving into a lifestyle change that, for seven years, I have calmly suggested I am not called to do. The fact is, I have been looking for the person to fulfill this idea where they would lead, and I would join them. (NOTE to self: leaders vs. facilitators). Every day, I face the struggle that I'm not suited to do this. Looking back on the previous thirty-plus years of life, it's proving me wrong. Everything I’ve done has been leading up to this moment.
Seven years of the same footpath around the same mountain, and never once did the Father condemn, shame, or ridicule me. He consistently offered a new path. I would look as far down the new path, but I refused to take it until now.
An adage states, “Don't doubt in the darkness what God shows you in the light.” I'm facing inner challenges daily of leaving doubt and fear behind and taking the next step down the newly lit path. I'm looking forward to presenting more to you on the changes that are coming and believe in the depths of my being that it's the most excellent opportunity I've had placed before me.
How about you? Have you ever struggled with stepping fully into the next season of your life, believing there is something beyond where you are today?
NEXT WEEK: Meet Angela Young as I interview her about divine imagination.
Substack provides a place for me to share from my heart and journey with the Father. I've always believed that our gifts make a way. Build His House is a 501.c3 nonprofit organization connecting people with people and people to purpose . If you are able, please consider a subscription. Subscriptions are tax deductible.
When I read this all I could think was for such a time as this!!
I hear you on the struggle, the struggle is real as they say.
Looking forward to your interview with Angela :)
Stepping into the unknown
causes me to freeze.
Father continues
to encourage trust
and adventure.
The following quote has been one way He has spoken to me saying, “continue forward”.
I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.
And he replied: 'Go out into the darkness
and put your hand into the hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light
and safer than a known way.'
So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.
A quote from “God Knows” by Minnie Louise Haskins (1875 – 1957)