Boaco, Nicaragua is on the eastern edge of the far side of the country just before you hit jungle. It was here that I encountered an insight for the nation that has grown into a promise to many.
In 2000, I was traveling with friends from Managua to Boaco to present a conference on the Holy Spirit. I had originally been invited to Nicaragua in 1998 to present a conference in Matagalpa. Little did I know then that Matagalpa would play a major role in this insight from Boaco.
This trip was my fourth or fifth to Nicaragua, depending on who you talk to. I'll call it my fourth to error on the side of wisdom. It was an interesting stay as our ‘hotel’ for the weekend was unique to any other I had encountered. The walls were made of flexible material able to reach out and nudge the next rooms occupants. The bath was an open air trough of mountain water…brrr…but somehow refreshing.
The days and nights were full of speaking and ministering. Our nights were silent except for the bearish noises emoting from several of us. One such night, I sat up in bed to the rhythms of the sonic bedlam to have a thought rush into my mind.
Nicaragua was the breadbasket of Central America, and it is to be again!
There was much more that rushed into my mind and into my spirit that night. Up to this point in my journeys to Nicaragua, I had not studied its history. Being the second poorest nation in this hemisphere made this thought of being the breadbasket seem ridiculous.
The obvious thing to do was fact-check. It’s true that Nicaragua was known in the 1950s and 1960s as the breadbasket of Central America. They played a vital role in supplying food and products to neighboring nations.
This knowledge created confirmation that my insight was worth praying and processing with the Father and others. It was then that I wrote out the full insight from that night in Boaco.
Today, this simple revelation, this heaven to earth moment, has become a tool for prospering impoverished families throughout Nicaragua.
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